Wednesday, March 5, 2008

meeting #1 minutes (finally, what the hell took her so long?!!??!)

Once upon a time there was a group of people who were tired of being leaderless and having to pay money to be walking ads. They finally decided to come together, for that is what bike people do, even though bikes usually take one or two people at max. This led to ideas, (...oh yap did i mention a drunken duck..who is the leader and mascot is Lucy..t..but back to the ideas..)here they are...

1. Pick a name (names have been listed, so pick on on sunday)

2. Sunday at 11:00 am will be training with the trainers in Mark's house (the Home house) It will smell but the team is willing to risk it for bonding time and really kewel bike spin videos.

3.Sponsors (by people like MEC OP, your mum and dad and Vegan) and Reg team name ($25 total ) will come after the name.

4 . To make sure you will get your lazy butts out, and follow through on some of that..."but why do i belong to a team if there is no team aspects to it" get a buddy. So in case the one time smell and pain fest was not enough, you get to have someone naggng your butt to make sure you are following your individual plan.

Buddy List

Ainsley and Ja
Shona and Team Jonny
Mark and Benjamin
Ellen and Erin
Jon and Susan

(you can change the teams around if you and your partner are not working out...just remeber there is a secret prize for the best team plus you will get better at the racing thing if you follow through with your plans...go figure eh?!)

that is about it. Big Thank you to Benjamin and Ainsley for letting us party it up at their house on Monday and get this ball rolling. c.u. all on Sunday. till then ride hard and i will be yelling something in german and looking like the following so i suggest this video might help you (along get you prepped for toronto this summer)

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