Wednesday, April 23, 2008

calm like a bomb

wed nite bike series starts today...i am going to ride out to BHP but will not race for i need a better gear. but anyone want to ride out, i can give you the tour of the pits and show you a wicked 30 foot jump off a ramp.

there is also WBMA race

April 20 @2:00 Global Gutz (race starts at 3pm @ St. Vital Park (duck pond)
May 24 Truth or Dare @ 7pm @ Central Park
June 28 The Race of Champions @ 7pm Under the Provencher Bridge
July 19 Partners Race @ 7pm @ The Forks' Skating rink
Aug 15 Bike Shops Race @ 9pm @ Bikes and Beyond Parking Lot


Bike polo every friday @ Old Market Square starting April 25th

I don't know what FGBC ( have planned but there is also their their rides. ( i know some of their rides are only YY friendly) but it is worth checking out some times.


c.u. at the starting gates.

Monday, April 14, 2008

the bible...and running on thurs?

so put your hand up if you would rather have mtns then this freaken horrible wind?!


okay so thurs? anyone going running? (i will be there at 4:30, ready to rock the boat before going to the dump)

and next sunday. how about we all do a trip out to grand beach and those of us who want to mtn bike race on the 27 (check the bible can ride the course..the others can do loops)

any takers?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

thurs = run run run

so after driving something like 34 hours. i finally get here and it is like 6 C, where in winnipeg it is 11C...who is a sucka? me obviously....oh well.

THURS , is running with (Ellen?). BE THERE! (cause i would be if i could)

if you want to know more talk to her or Aaron.

and for base training heard there is a mustache/skirt ride going down this weekend. (i think you can buy them or at least cut some of your locks off for the ride)

i think there is a poster floating around on myspace. but you know... it is time we all bonded over shaving our legs and arms and face, you know to build team spirit.

have fun shaving, but remeber, shaving may lead to doping that may lead you to getting kicked out of races...remeber THE BALCO CASE (

Saturday, April 5, 2008

sunday aptril 6th (bring gears!)

the following is a picture of gears...if you don't know what gears are. or forgot over the long winter.

it's that time of the year again, we start thinking giddy thoughts, cause halloween is over and there are rotten pumpkins every where not christmas, thought it felt like we went back in time last night with the snowing...i don't lie but it is almost spring time kiddies!

so be at the home house at 11am. to catch a ride out to BHP for riding at 12pm. ya want to ride out t here and meet up? let your partner know. (as long as you are there by the down time)

till then if you can, try to catch Tour of Flander.

no not ned flanders, the bike race.